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MTI forms IDA industrial licensing committee
7 June 2022  -  Sector :  -  Entity :  -  Category : Industry News

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The move comes according to the prime minister’s instructions to activate the Industrial Licensing Law.

Cairo- June 7, 2022

Minister of Trade and Industry Nevine Gamea has issued a decree forming a licensing requirement committee at the Industrial Development Authority (IDA), chaired by head of the authority, as of the date of publication in the official gazette.

Members of the newly-formed committee will include: representatives of the IDA’s licensing and industrial services sector, the Federation of Egyptian Industries, as well as three experts in civil defense, industrial security and occupational health.

“The move comes according to the prime minister’s instructions to activate the Industrial Licensing Law, streamlining the licensing procedure, thus, stimulating investment in the manufacturing sector,” Gamea said, noting that the time limit for obtaining an industrial license will be cut to 20 days only.

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